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Saturday 8 November 2014

Waterloo Sunrise

Last week I had the chance to take a trip out of Waterloo station into Surrey. The day was fresh, but the skies were cloudless and the sun was glorious. Also I was heading in the opposite direction to the rush hour commuters, so even though it was only 9am, the station seemed unusually quiet. Although definitely not a Waterloo Sunset, bringing back memories of the wonderful Kinks song, it was reasonably close to a Waterloo Sunrise.

Entrance to the London Underground, Waterloo station, London
Entrance to the London Underground, Waterloo station, London

I assume this array of tubing is some sort of ventilation system, possibly coming up from the underground below. On a grey day this would probably be a fairly ugly structure, but today with the clear blue sky in the background and the sun reflecting off the silver tubing, this was transformed into something quite beautiful.

Industrial architecture, Waterloo station, London
Industrial architecture, Waterloo station, London

Further down the platform I saw the London Eye just peeking out above the top of the station, and nicely framed by the roof supports. A shame about the bin in the first shot though.

London Eye from Waterloo station, London
London Eye from Waterloo station, London

And a shame about the lamp post in the second shot.

London Eye from Waterloo station, London
London Eye from Waterloo station, London


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