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Tuesday 7 May 2013

Urban Wandering: south of King's Cross, London WC1

For some reason I have managed to get a bit out of sync with my postings. These pictures actually pre-date my previous King's Cross post by a day or two. On this particular urban wander I ventured south of King's Cross, along the Grays Inn Road, on the look out for ghost signs. Howver, I found myself drifting back towards a few mews off the main drag. For those of you who read this blog prior to my fairly recent, minor obsession with ghost signs, will know that tracking down quiet London mews was probably my first excursion into the world of psychogeography. Mews generally look good on any day of the year, but with a near perfect blue sky as a back drop, they are unsurpassed ... and to have no cars in sight is also a rare bonus.

Brownlow Mews, London WC1
 Brownlow Mews, London WC1

Brownlow Mews, London WC1
Brownlow Mews, London WC1

Thought this double-arched entrance looked unusual and interesting.
Wren Street, London WC1
Wren Street, London WC1

This last shot is probably my favourite of the batch, but more for its subject matter rather than for any photographic skills (or lack of). This is a garage just to the south of King's Cross station. The sign above the door reads, "C.E.Norris & Sons Ltd. Offices 73/5 Kenton St., Phone. TER 4577". The letters "TER" which prefix the four digit phone number relate to the telephone exchange name, in this case Terminus.

Old sign on a garage in Whidbourne Street, King's Cross, London, WC1
Old sign on a garage in Whidbourne Street, King's Cross, London, WC1

1 comment:

  1. Thanks I enjoyed my King's Cross tour for the morning. Those buildings are fascinating and they manner in which we photograph them always adds more mystery and style to them! Great photos!


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